Do you ship your prints outside of the United States?
Yes, we ship worldwide.

What sizes are the prints you have for sale?
We currently sell 8.5 x 11 inch prints.

Can I request that you personalize the picture when signing it (To: Staci, for example)?
Certainly! Just make sure to notate this when you place your order.

Where can I find out more information about Pudding Bat?
Right now, the little guy is only in art form, but keep an eye out for my upcoming children's book this year.

Aren't you from that giraffe group?
Yep! You can find more about my band, Steam Powered Giraffe.

What type of medium do you use for your art?
All of my art is produced on my Wacom Cintiq in Photoshop.

Do you accept art requests or commissions?
Unfortunately, between the work I do for my band and otherwise, I am unable to accept requests or commissions at this time.

If I have all of your prints but still want to support you, is there a way to do so?
Certainly! There are a few different ways that you can send some love my way. You can check out my Patreon for more ways to support me! All donations go a long way in allowing me to do what I do best - make art!